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[ISPRM] Global Health Workforce Network - Survey
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2023-01-19 조회수 1,711회



Dear Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine reader,


The Global Health Workforce Network (GHWN) Education Hub is conducting a survey to identify “blind spots” in medical education worldwide. Blind spots in medical education are issues or ideas that an individual or group is not aware of, or not paying enough attention to. They can result in a physician workforce that is not optimal for meeting patients' healthcare needs. The researchers behind the survey, a team from the U.S. and Canada have mapped medical education’s blind spots that apply to the U.S., and now wish to see how they apply to other parts of the world. This survey presents an opportunity to draw attention to subjects such as rehabilitation, hearing, vision, disability, among others, and the role that they play in medical education.




The Global Health Workforce Network:

The Global Health Workforce Network was established in 2016, following a request by select Member States and building on a proposal by the Board of the Global Health Workforce Alliance. The Network operates within WHO as a global mechanism for stakeholder consultation, dialogue and coordination on comprehensive and coherent health workforce policies in support of the implementation of the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health and the recommendations the Commission.



Thank you in advance for participating in this important research.


Prof. Francesca Gimigliano
ISPRM President


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