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[ISPRM] Climate Change as a Human Health Issue - Survey
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2023-01-26 조회수 1,616회



Dear Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine reader,


We are following up on a request sent a few weeks ago, inviting  members of ISPRM to share their thoughts about climate and health as a human health issue. This important survey will end on February 3rd, 2023.

If you have not yet completed the survey, we respectfully request and urge you to participate in this important research today.


Do you know how Climate change affects persons with disabilities?

Watch our interview with Eryn Campbell and Marcalee Alexander to learn more about Climate change, Disability and Rehabilitation. WATCH INTERVIEW



To complete the survey, simply click on the link below. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete.





Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:


More information about the survey:

George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication is surveying health professionals to assess their views about climate change as a human health issue, and their awareness of and support for climate action.


Your answers will help advance our understanding of how health professionals around the world view this important issue. The survey will be open through January 6, 2023.
This study has been approved by the George Mason University Institutional Review Board (IRBNet number: 1890711-1).


Thank you in advance for participating in this important research,


Prof. Francesca Gimigliano
ISPRM President


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