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(2024 Fall Admission) Taipei Medical University - Ph. D. Program
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2024-02-26 조회수 1,019회

Dear Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine,


I am Shu-Chun Lee, Associate Professor and Director of the International PhD program in Gerontology and Long-Term Care, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. Fall 2024 admission in now open and the deadline is Friday 15 March. We sincerely welcome individuals with different professional backgrounds in the health and care of older people to apply this program.


Taipei Medical University (TMU) is ranked 324th in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, 43rd in Asia and 3rd in Taiwan. In response to global aging, this is the first established international doctoral-level program in Taiwan focusing on gerontology and long-term care. This English-taught program obtains a diverse student body and internationally renowned faculty. Therefore, I kindly ask you to share the information with your members. The promotional poster and admission brochure are attached to this email. 


* Admission link:



* Program’s website:



* Scholarship:



(TMU will provide a subsidy of NT$ 16,000/month plus a tuition waiver for 2 years for all admitted applicants.

  For more Taiwan scholarships, please visit the website)


If you have any questions regarding the admission or program, please feel free to contact us.


Director Shu-Chun Lee: sclee@tmu.edu.tw

Associate Professor Gong-Hong Lin: gong.hong.lin@tmu.edu.tw


Taipei Medical Univ.jpg
첨부파일1 Taipei Medical Univ.jpg Taipei Medical Univ.jpg (다운 29회)
첨부파일2 TMU-Ph.D.-Programs-Admissions-Guidelines-for-International-Students-Fall-2024_V1 (2).pdf TMU-Ph.D.-Programs-Admissions-Guidelines-for-International-Students-Fall-2024_V1 (2).pdf (다운 30회)
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